Sunday, February 20, 2011

Street dogs in India

In India there are lots of dogs that roam free in the streets. The law is that no one is suppose to kill street dogs. But now there are too many street dogs in India, and no one knows how to control the population of these dogs.These dogs aren’t fed and live in the street with no one to take care of them. They eat garbage, dirty foods and scraps in the streets. These street dogs are very thin. These dogs often are sick because of living in the streets. They also get  the disease of rabies.

These dogs often have accidents with cars and get wounded. No one is there to treat their wounds.
These dogs are very dirty.
It is common to see street dogs without the tip of the ear or tail.
Often street dogs have a very sparse fur because they are sick.

Cases of street dogs I have seen:
I have seen a street dog who got a wound from the nose till the mouth (Pune).

I have seen a very very thin and sick street dog with very sparse fur in Dehli.

I have seen a dog who seems to have problem in the eye. This dog also had a very sparse coat (Pune).

My father had once gotten bitten by a street dog who had rabies (Mumbai).

I saw a street dog who had hardly any fur and was so sick. It looked as if she was a mother because later on I saw a puppy  who was same colour like her. The puppy was also very sick and had hardly and fur (Pune Station).

Street dogs really make a miserable sight.


  1. Very well written Sanyukta and an interesting read!

  2. Mass sterilisation campaigns must be deployed by the government. Even though it will cost some money, we cannot justify suffering by saying it is too expensive. It is also a long-term solution. Well written blog. You are a thoughful little child and you are the hope of coming generations. Always believe in your cause. Animals needs people like you to speak on their behalf...God bless!:)

  3. Please keep writing because it will help these dogs. My husband worked in India for a few months and he brought home the street dog that was living at the airport. We had to quarantine the dog for 30 days and get all his shots but he is a healthy happy dog living in the USA right now. Please love the dogs of India. They are different than other dogs and very special!
    Thank you for caring about your beautiful India dogs.

  4. Very well written, it's sad to see the suffering of street dogs.

  5. u know what, in nearby area of everyone's locality there are at least 10 dogs, if we guys strt serving these 1st,there will be a massive chnge in the street animals poor condition

  6. Is there any organization in mumbai which takes diseased street dogs for emancipation .

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